From the desk of Director

Dr. Trideep Guha
You will find a wealth of opportunity as you begin your journey of higher education, which is about academics, of course, but also a lot more. It is our goal that we succeed in shaping our students to be responsible members of the global citizenry.
Since more than one decade E.M.P.C. of India is engaged in the field of Medical / Paramedical Science recognized with several National and International Universities. E.M.P.C. of India is only one of the institution who has introduced and recommended to start the ADEH (Advance Diploma in Electro-Homoeopathy) with the help of MSVBBE, Mumbai (Govt of Maharashtra). We have organized number of camps and seminars extensively in rural and urban area, for better education and exposure to the real problems. We have qualified and expert professional to carry out this training activities. Our basic concern is to develop self-confidence and self-employment for youth.
While new courses have been introduced, competency based curricula have been progressively adopted across the various faculties. Another significant achievement is that exclusive departments have been created for New Medical Science and Paramedical Science.
Our Institute (Ayushman Medical / Paramedical Institute) is a place of learning, impeccable in its own way, with a vast and aesthetic atmosphere, enormous library and friendly and Professional faculty providing an impressive platform for the overall growth and development of students. Since inception, the versatile skill sets and strong value system imbibed by our students.